Stone Age WeaponStone Age Weapon अश्मयुगीन शस्र

A weapon, a cause to build panic sometimes while a ray of hope to come out of shivering sometimes. This blog is dedicated to those precious things by which man protected himself from invaders, and also used them to attack. I will introduce you to a number of weapons those were used by human, those are still powerful, some very dangerous.

The purpose of this blog is to spread the knowledge of different weapons, ammunition of the past, middle and present era As time will pass we will see the most sophisticated weapons of different nations.
Sniper Rifle अत्याधुनिक, नेत्रीने दूरवरचा वेध घेणारी राइफल

शस्र, कधी कधी मनात भीती निर्माण करणारे तर कधी कधी भयग्रस्तांना आशेचा किरण दाखवणारे! हा ब्लॉग समर्पित आहे त्या शस्राला ज्याचा वापर करुन हुकुमशहांनी क्रूर हल्ले केले, ज़्याच्यामुळे माणसाने परकीय आक्रमणे परतावली! या ब्लॉगवर पाहुयात माणसाने वापरलेली शस्रास्रे आणि संहारक अस्रे .

आपले शस्त्रांविषयीचे ज्ञान वाढावे हाच या ब्लॉगनिर्मितीच्या मागील खटाटोपाचा उद्देश्य!

Posted by प्रतिक शिंदे Labels: